Saturday, August 11, 2007

Get Off My Lawn, Part IX

I am getting really tired of ripping on Hasso Hering.

No, really. I am, I swear.

I guess I'll just have to redouble my efforts, or maybe eat a granola bar, or something.

His latest is just, well, dishonest:

The campaign for Measure 49 has begun, and if the start is any indication, you are in for a pile of baloney.

In Corvallis, the League of Women Voters calls Measure 49 the “legislative answer to the massive problems created by Measure 37.”

Massive problems? Where? When?

The idea now is to scare us about Measure 37’s effects.

Since I am tired of this, here: Hering is lying by omission. To be honest, he needs to provide the worst examples of M37 excess he can find, and if those aren't massive problems, then he wins. I know it would take some digging (one might call it "journalism" or "research"), but apparently that's too much for Hasso. Either that, or he's really against land-use laws, which, given his psuedo-libertarian status, doesn't really surprise me. In either case, the guy needs to be honest, more honest than he is being here.

The second thing Hering could do provide an honest look at what would happen without land-use laws. I'm not holding my breath on that one.


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