Tuesday, January 29, 2008

[Old Media] Since When is Open Sexism Acceptable in the Pages of the Democrat-Herald?

A letter to the editor in the DH:

Flying in style

I have a suggestion on how we could save the taxpayers of this great country money on jet fuel costs for Air Force One.

Vote for Hillary; she could travel on her broom.

Donald A. Parker, Albany

Let's be clear: The fact that this is a letter in no way excuses the fact that sexist content appeared in the pages of the DH. The DH would have been perfectly within reason not to run this letter.

I know Hering's old and cranky, but this should be unacceptable to his (significantly younger) staff, at least - and enough so to raise a ruckus.

What gives?

I guess we can expect jokes about Barack Obama eating fried chicken and/or being lazy next.

I mean, what the hell, it's all just white people in the valley anyway, right?



Jen said...

*begins angry letter*


Anonymous said...

dude, what's up with your ageism?

"Hering's old and cranky, but this should be unacceptable to his (significantly younger) staff"

Anonymous said...

Thank you, RW, for this post. I was horrified when I read this letter in the paper. It isn't funny. It is absolutely sexist and inappropriate, and Hasso should not have printed it.

Anonymous said...

I laughed, and then felt deep shame. I shall whip myself unconscious, then donate to her campaign.

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