Saturday, June 30, 2007

Touch-screen MacBooks?

So sayeth this guy. Do I believe him?

I want to. Oh, I really, really want to. If this is true, I'm putting off buying a computer until the technology stabilizes, and then....oh, then, my sweet dear friends that all have MacBooks, then I will be The Shit.


B. Zedan said...

I am so enamoured of the idea of multi-touch systems. To use both a stylus and my fingers is the most logical damn option. And it'd properly mimic how I normally go about the world and work with media.

I want a touchscreen laptop that you can swivel the monitor on and use it like a tablet, and it's the size of a sketchbook. Hopefully not much longer now.

Dennis said...

I believe such a thing exists, though offhand I don't remember what it's called. It's a larger version of a Tablet PC. It'll still take some time to enter into a decent price range, though if this Mac thing is true, that should speed the process along.

B. Zedan said...

Then there's the ultra-mobiles, part of the Origami project (can't remember source links, older project that Chase has been following). That's what I'm waiting for, a combo of the two.

The current swivel-screen, draw-on laptops are great, I know a couple of folks with them, but they're too big for my taste. There aren't too many options either, last time I looked. As they cheapen, I'll find what I need, which is below desktop capability, but can run a sketch/draw program comfortably.

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