Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Get Off My Lawn, Part II

Hering's at it again - this time he thinks the music that companies pipe into restaurants and stores is too loud. He also thinks it's a bad idea because - well, I'll let him explain it:

What about the kind of music that the providers of these sound systems assume we like? ... With that much individual choice available — and in use, considering the vast number of people walking around with phones in their ears — mass exposure to background music is the last thing that anybody wants or needs. Or so you would think.

Again, I sort of understand where he's coming from (though I've never actually been in a place where the music is so loud as to inhibit conversation, except for bars, where it's understandable), but he just comes across as an old man complaining again. Maybe if he did some digging and found out why music is played in the first place and then wrote about that...but that would require research and reporting. Apparently that's too much to ask for an editor, or something. As it stands, the editorial reads like he wrote it at the last second. In school, we called it "bullshitting" or "pulling it out of your ass." I suppose in the 'real world' it's called "working under pressure," or something...


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