Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Tom Tancredo

Step back for a second and marvel at the fact that this man is running for President of the United States on a major-party ticket and no one is batting an eye:

Pretty scary, if you ask me.


Joseph Orosco said...

Not unique to the U.S. There is a wave of nativism all over the developed world and the nationalist parties are winning sizable elections in Europe.

Michael Faris said...

über scary.

Dennis said...

Joseph - I agree with you, but I also know that many European countries have parliamentary systems. Tancredo's inclusion into the Republican Party gives him an instant legitimacy that I don't think is found anywhere else.

On the other hand, maybe that means anti-immigrant sentiment is actually shallower here than in Europe.

That's unsettling.

Anonymous said...

Makes you wonder, who exactly are "those that don't belong?"

Dennis said...

Cassie - I think it can be adequately translated as "people who don't look white."

Tancredo's merely tapping into a long (and racist!) history of coded language used in the U.S... especially by Republican Presidential candidates since Barry Goldwater.

You should get your hands on a copy of Omi and Wynant's Racial Formation in the United States.

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