Monday, February 25, 2008

[Daily Barometer] Great Editorial on PeaceJam

This is so good it makes me think someone other than the normal editorial board wrote it.

Nevertheless, it's a great piece. And a great starting point (honestly, the Baro has a lot of work to do with its own staff before it can move to the rest of campus):

Examination of prejudice and preconceived notions on the part of all students is critical to the continuing understanding of the cultures that merge on our campus. It is also critical to making OSU a welcoming place for students from lands far and near.

We must fix our campus, before we can reach to other nations and offer a hand.

While the students at PeaceJam conference are raising dollars for Darfur and Sudan, we ask you join us in taking a look at ourselves, each of our behaviors and our contributions. It can be as small as working to recognize your misconceptions.

Peace starts with a willingness to learn.


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